.::. MAYBE !!! .::.

I'm so bored... I've just spent the last maybe 3 hours for reading..
Now I wanna to say something in this blog.

This is probably one of the many most boring days of my life. Not that nothing at all happens around me but my own head got stuck somewhere. It seems I’m mad at something or someone or sad or maybe just exhausted. I don’t know what I feel right now or what to write here. I should feel free to jot anything but some of the readers seem to expect some things. Failing to understand that blogging is supposed to be an online journal, an account of one’s day to day life. And since it’s publicly published, shouldn’t be too personal but should be truthful.

What I feel is what I feel or not feel. These are mine and I should be allowed to have them, to express them, to scribble them down if only to let the evil out. Maybe it’s me that’s bored or boring, not the day. Burned out from the same things, the same walls, the same issues. Maybe I miss for someone..He’s too far away ..
