07 April 2009
Day-9 : Makkah Al Mukkaramah.

After break fast took a van to Tannaim. Completed our 6th Umrah around 10:30am and ziarah around the masjid area. It's a very short ziarah. After Asar went for shopping. Bought a few jubah, sejadah and other buah tangan.

08 April 2009
Day-10 Makkah Al Mukkaramah.

After break fast took a van to Tannaim to miqat for our 7th Umrah. One of the thing I loved about being in Makkah is that...the people here is very punctual for the 5 daily prayers...belum masuk waktu lg the road to the Masjid had already been occupied with people. The Imams who led prayers and recited Quranic verses over the loudspeakers at Al-Haram did so with such beautiful intonations that to this day, I still remember what they sound like. My heart yearns to hear them again. I love it.

09 April 2009
Day-11 : Makkah Al Mukkaramah.

After breakfast we to perform Tawaf sunat.
And after Asar went to the bazaar for last minute shopping, I finished packing at

almost 11:00 p.m.

During our Kuliyyah, our ustaz told the story of when Prophet Ibrahim a.s
finished constructing the Ka'abah, He's instructed by God to call on to His ummat
to come and visit Ka'abah.
Ibrahim A.S. called to all Muslimin with the Talbiyah while standing on Jabal Abi Qubais. It's heard by everyone including our Ruh. If we replied once,
we will visit Ka'abah once. If we replied twice, we would be able to reach the
Tanah Haram twice and so on. The Ustaz said we were so lucky to have been able
to come to Tanah Haram as Allah's guest. I feel so too and I really wish to be
able to come here again.:)


A lot of construction going on around/near vicinity of Masjidil Haram.

up to heaven
Thats all for now, ...to be continued.
