.::. WHY AM I .::.

I think I've pushed myself too hard lately. Surrounding myself with all those impossible thoughts. Too drown into the dramas I watched lately I guess. I've been thinking....

Why am I so ambitious?...

Why am I so stubborn?...

Why am I not so stupid?...

Why can't I be more innocent?...

Why am I expecting too much from myself and other people around me?
Why do I have to protect myself too much that I can't even let myself off a little?...
Isn't it better if I'm stupid and innocent and naive?



which drama?..:p

March 10, 2009 at 1:07 PM  

Nak tahu jugak..:)Emmhh drama dari seberang..U tak tgok kan.

March 11, 2009 at 8:14 AM