Just a convo I heard

A : Tak ada rasa takut ke nak gi umrah?

B : Entah. Ada perasaan. Tapi bukan takut rasanya. More like err apa tu macam..rasa tak sabar but on the other hand nervous. Tapi rasa macam sayu dan besar hati sangat. Asal? Apa yang ko takutkan?

A : Tak taulah

B : Tell me what you feel..

A : What if Allah hantar punishment kat aku for the sins that I have done when I am there?

B : *silence*You know what personally I hate this notion. This menakut-nakutkan oranglah menyebab kan I didn't want to go before. Bukan kita pergi sebab nakkan Mercy Alllah ke? What happen to tawbah? habis dah macam ni, sampai bila aku tak pergi. Lagipun Allah nak send punishment sekarang pun boleh.

A : But what if, you know?

B : Then if Allah decides that it is the best for me, He sends me punishment to expiate my sins, I submit. I submit! If Allah decrees that expiating it now is to leave me pure for the hereafter, I praise Him for His wisdom. Just make me worthy of His paradise.

Readers, My familys and I...,Insya Allah will be going for umrah tonight. Pray for me...
