.::. I'M FIERCE .::.

Someone just told me that someone said, she takut to want to tegur me.
When this someone heard me made a joke, she was really surprised. And actually ask someone, whether I am usually funny?...HmmHmmHmm

I really don't know what to make of these.Am I garang, I ask myself? Do I look that scary
and people rather not approach me? Or aloof? Or kerek looking? And undeniably,
I know she is not the first to think so. I know quite numerous people feel the same way.
This is more apparent during the working days though. Unfortunately among the
female gender.

Self reflect
: Tak kot. I think I am friendly. Approachable. Warm. Accommodating.

True self reflect
: Hmm perhaps not. Sometimes I probably am not as approachable to people
I do not know. Tapi bukan semua orang macam tu ke? Hmm but I do wonder myself why other people make friends more easily than I do. But then, most of the time my efforts are too little. But if I do fall in love with you, I would go an extra mile for you.
