I was still busy .Ingatkan dah habis Kumang Project, semua masalah selesai. Rupa-rupanya....still hv..ada lagi banyak perkara yang menuntut komitmen yang tinggi dari ros..(matilah perasan ya amat).

Been busy working. Meeting after meeting….after discussion with my HOD, Engineer
and Lead Designer…actually my design route pipeline form offshore
to onshore are correct after we refer previous project MLNG 3..
but how to explain with client, they accept this reason.
I don’t know how survey give the coordinate. If my design wrong,
from conceptual design dah salah…that true. I’m so disappointed..emmhh..
So, ros... keep your spirit up, fix your confidence and face it with yakin..:)

Client oh client……
why u always right.

I take medical Leave two day..demam ros bertambah panas..

Readers, Pray to me ya...cepat sembuh!
