.::. dReAmS aGaIn .::.

Do you remember the dreams we used to have especially during our childhood days?
Where all of them are sweet, pure and full of kindness we would like to offer of
which will make the world a better place. And as we grow up,
its all slowly faded and lost in the tough journey of our life.

Being an adult, a grown up homo sapien,
the life have too much to ask until we lost our pure sweet identity
along the way just to keep going on.

Yeah. Keep moving on. In a tough life.
But if we try to take it easy, sit back, take time to relax and focus on
the important things, learn to ignore and let go the rest,
maybe we can have some time for ourself, some money and energy to spend
on things that really matter to us and start our dreams again.
Life is full with amazing things and everybody can reach and
have it if we are not to busy with our life.

"Live life at the fullest and don't be 'jahat2' (naughty)"
said my friend once.
