.::tHiNk AbOuT::.

AM… what I am
I WANT... a peaceful world
I HAVE… a wonderful family
I WISH…. things happen according to my plan
I HATE… rude, hypocrites and idiots
I FEAR… of deathly diseases
I SEARCH… for answers sometimes
I WONDER… what's the future like for my children
I REGRET… helping people who don't deserve my help
I LOVE…. my family a lot!
I ALWAYS… want to be worry free
I AM NOT… perfect, I am human!
I DANCE… to my own tunes and rhythm
I SING… whenever I can- all the time?
I CRY… when I can't keep my sorrow any longer
I WRITE… hardly, I type more! heheheheh
I WON….. my life
I AM CONFUSED… of people's behavior sometimes
I NEED… security, peace, love to live on my life
I SHOULD… always remember Allah
THE LAST THOUGHT BEFORE GO TO SLEEP…. tomorrow is another new day


nice qoute....

March 26, 2012 at 5:15 PM