.::b'DaY bOy::.

Today is 22.05.08, my colleague b'day...

Happy birthday Khaloon,
You’re kind and clever I must say.
With moments worth a million hugs,
Talks, with coffee in those mugs.

Your heart and values seem so right,
We share our views without a fight.
Our memories live with eyes so true,
Adventures grow in a life’s canoe.

I wish you more than words can say,
That you will never, cease to play.
Happy birthday for you....


Thanks a lot Kak Rus!!!

I'm very glad that I able to meet you here, thanks to Sujata for "bringing" me up to level 28.
It certainly brought a lot sparks to my time in RWP.

May 23, 2008 at 2:26 PM  

Wah, great poem! Kak Rose pandai bersajak. Saya pun mahu.

May 28, 2008 at 10:20 AM