.::. FAHMI B'DAY .::.

Happy Birthday my son - and I will thank Allah for the gift he gave me.

My son.Today he turns 9 years old. Hard to imagine that my boy is almost the age I was when I had him!The joy this child has brought into my life - well, it can't be measured. As a baby there was a constant smile on his face - a huge huge smile and laughter.

I learned to look at life in a totally different way - through his eyes. Watching him grow and learn! Everyday there was something new.Oh, I'm not saying my son is perfect! Trust me when I tell you that he has put me through some trials and tribulations that I wouldn't want others to go through - but it has brought us to where we are today. He is a good kid.

Happy Birthday Fahmi.

Your mother loves you very much.
