Last week is my birthday; should I be happy, celebrate?
Well, I’m happy because I stepped good in the new year.

Okay … what I wish myself… well first of all to be healthy, to get a good year, problem and unpleasant events free; I want the new year to be as good and prosperous as 2010.

Also I wish all people I know to be healthy, better, more honest, less treacherous and to enjoy everything they want.


I am still considering whether to change my handphone. ...
It lost its signal often and it often turns itself off.

So for my next phone, I'm was looking for a good camera phone which can take decent pictures. I know I should get a real camera instead, but I hate the idea of carrying too many things while on the go. Since I carry my handphone wherever I go, a camera handphone would be ideal.

Just a quick update…Wassalam

Everyday we feel the changes of our mood because of the existing weather conditions and the health that we have. But whatever everyday brings is with a purpose. We don't always feel happy all the time. Life displays a lot of challenges that we have to encounter.

This day is a good day for me because things go smoothly. I feel less pressure and heavy loads of thinking. The only thing that I think this day is to express in any way what I feel so that I feel at ease with everything.

What a good day this day is!


Sometimes people just love to point mistakes to someone else and never realise that they are doing the same thing.... the reason I'm blogging for the 1st time was to tell people what did I felt for that particular day or what did I want to do that day... sometimes I guess I'm also going overboard with my entry... arguing about someone else saying bad thing about something and becoming one of them also.... so sorry because I'm not that good in English and have tonnes of grammar and vocab to practice. Yes that really bad right....

But I'm not someone whom didn't realise my weakness...
yet I'm trying to pull all the strength to make sure I can speak n write in better English in the future... I'm glad that I used to go to one of the best primary school in my hometown... and I think that all primary school should
try to use the same kind of method that my former school used to make all their students love and know how to use English in their life... ops I think again I've out of the topic.... well arguing about something that really don't border your life is something but sometimes just wondering how would it change your life if that thing become something bad and
make your life worst? Just think of it...


Well honestly, I am feeling both. I feel so lazy that I couldn't even find time to update my blogs. I am always planning everyday to update at least one of my blogs but soon as morning comes, I feel the same way everyday, lazy. I just had a lot of things going on lately that I need to get it done in certain time that's why I have been away from my computer for a little while.


Hello readers/friends.

Actually today is my Blog's Birthday...
It’s been an year since I launched this blog. So today on 13th May’2009, I would like to wish my blog a Happy First Birthday. It’s been a wonderful first year journey so far. I have made lot of friends and really have learned lot of new things, all thanks to my blog.

I would also like to thank you all for being so supportive, cooperative and such good friends. Hadn’t it been for you, this blog wouldn’t have made it to it’s first milestone. Besides, your comments, your feedback is the driving force that makes me blog. Hopefully the love and bond we share via this blog, will stay fresh and friendly forever.

Happy Birthday


.::. I MISS .::.

Right now I really miss Makkah and Madinah,
I miss praying in the Masjidil Haram,

I miss praying in the Masjidil Nabawi,

I miss the voices of the imams who led the prayer,

I miss shearing my tears because his recitation enters right into my heart,

I miss the feeling of my heart trembling,

I miss the tranquility I felt in there,

I miss the peace in there,

I miss the feeling of how close I can be with Allah in there.
